My work and insight have been quoted in various publications. Check it out!
"Mental health issues are not the sole domain of white people. Although that should be obvious, the media visibility afforded to communities of color around these issues—or lack thereof—doesn’t always reflect that.
But Latina activist Dior Vargas has made it her mission to make people of color dealing with mental health issues more visible. Her voice is an important one as the mental health conversation moves forward in communities of color."

Article Highlights
“How to Discuss Your Mental Health With Family Members Who Don’t Get It.”
New York Times
“This Latina Challenges The Stigma Around Mental Illness” (VIDEO)
“Activist Dior Vargas Wants to Center People of Color in the Mental Health Conversation”
“Displaying the Diverse Faces of Mental Illness”
“What I've Learned: Young Latina's Mission Is Mental Health Advocacy”
NBC News Latino
“These three Latinas are breaking down stereotypes”
USA Today
“A photo series project wants to set the record straight about mental health.”
MTV News
“This Photo Series Tries To Combat The Stigma Of Mental Illness”
“Dior Vargas Is Taking the Cultural Stigma Out of Mental Illness”
“Inspiring Photo Series Challenges The Stigma Of Mental Illness” (VIDEO)
Work With Dior
If you want to support your students or employees and help them better advocate for themselves, book Dior!