The People of Color and Mental Illness Photo Project
If you're interested in being part of this project, please submit a photo of yourself with a sign saying whatever you feel comfortable expressing.
The photo can be horizontal or vertical
Please have good lighting so people can read your sign
Save the photo as a JPEG with the file name as your first and last name i.e. diorvargas.jpg
With your submission, include the text of what is written on your sign and an image description, i.e., photo of a woman wearing a black t-shirt...etc.
Send to:

"My name is Majela. I am a Chicana/Meztica living with borderline personality disorder. My parents don’t understand why I can’t just be strong like my ancestors and rely on ‘white men’s’ medicines.”

"I’m Sol, I’m a non-binary Salvadoran, & I live, struggle, and grow with depression. Let’s talk about it."

"My name is Isabella…and just because my white therapist cannot understand my cultural background does not invalidate my experiences."

"My name is Richard. I am a Dominican American man living with depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. My mental illness doesn’t define me. #endthestigma #imnotashamed"

“I live with OCD, Bipolar I, & PTSD. Still a magic Black girl. #endthestigma”

“My name is Rogina & I’m not always a strong independent Black woman because, as a Black woman, I’m allowed to feel weak, dependent, anxious, depressed, etc.”

“My name is Jezabel. I struggle with PTSD, anxiety & depression. As a ‘fiery’ Latina I’ve had difficulties in expressing my emotions and at the same time feeling accepted and understood.”

Submit your photo to the People of Color and Mental Illness Photo Project.
If you're interested in being part of this project, please submit a photo of yourself with a sign saying whatever you feel comfortable expressing.
The photo can be horizontal or vertical
Please have good lighting so people can read your sign
Save the photo as a JPEG with the file name as your first and last name i.e. diorvargas.jpg
With your submission, include the text of what is written on your sign and an image description, i.e., photo of a woman wearing a black t-shirt...etc.
Send to: